Cinema Artis
Cinema Artis offers a wide and unique choice of art house and other quality films in 181- and 72-seat halls. We screen mainly European films, but also selection of films from other parts of the world.
Since January 2011 Artis is a member of pan-European cinema network Europa Cinemas. It is an organisation founded in 1992 and unites movie theatres in 43 countries and 751 cities. In 2013 cinema Artis received the Best Youth Programming Award and in 2015 the Best Programming Award from Europa Cinemas.
Cinema Artis is administrated by Tallinnfilm OÜ, a company that has shaped the landscape of Estonian cinema for 70 years.

Cinema Artis is located on the third floor of the Solaris Centre in Tallinn, with the entrance on Rävala puiestee. Access to the cinema is by stairs or lift. It can also be reached through the Apollo bookstore on the second floor of Solaris - just follow the signs.
For cheaper parking validate your parking ticket after the film in the validator located in cinema and then in the ticket machine in the parking garage of Solaris Centre. Information about parking and parking prices you will find here.
Entrance to the parking garage is from Sakala street. We advise to park your car on the Rävala pst side of the garage from where you can reach the cinema directly by elevator.