"Michael (played by the director Lawrence Valin himself) grew up in France as the son of Tamil parents and now works as a policeman. He gets tasked with infiltrating a Gang in Paris, that collects protection money from fellow countrymen in the Little Jaffna neighbourhood in order to finance the Tamil Tigers’ fight for freedom in Sri Lanka. Michael soon comes face-to-face with the gang leader, who becomes suspicious and seems to be on to Michael’s undercover investigations.
A loud, colourful and energetic thriller set in the milieu in which director and lead actor Lawrence Valin grew up.
The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival."
Little Jaffna
Little Jaffna
Lawrence Valin
Продолжительность сеанса
1h 40min
Lawrence Valin
Продолжительность сеанса
1h 40min
"Michael (played by the director Lawrence Valin himself) grew up in France as the son of Tamil parents and now works as a policeman. He gets tasked with infiltrating a Gang in Paris, that collects protection money from fellow countrymen in the Little Jaffna neighbourhood in order to finance the Tamil Tigers’ fight for freedom in Sri Lanka. Michael soon comes face-to-face with the gang leader, who becomes suspicious and seems to be on to Michael’s undercover investigations.
A loud, colourful and energetic thriller set in the milieu in which director and lead actor Lawrence Valin grew up.
The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival."
A loud, colourful and energetic thriller set in the milieu in which director and lead actor Lawrence Valin grew up.
The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival."
Возрастные ограничения
Год выпуска
Global distributor
Pimedate Ööde Filmifestival MTÜ
В кино c